Sleep is a fluid state that differs from the waking state. It is a magical state through which dreams digest and process the experiences of the day and are put in relation to memories and experiences. Without sleep, people get sick. Today, insomnia and memory loss are a growing problem. With Imprint of Sleep, Dupont covers a canvas, which is twice the size of her body, with fabric in the form of color and folds it. After that, Dupont sleeps one night on the back site of the canvas. This way, the top of the canvas takes on color from the bottom. An almost symmetrical image emerges, which testifies to the body’s movements during the night’s sleep. Dupont thus examines basic pictorial principles such as form, content and surface. The colors are chosen differently. In the works 18 to 25 October 2021, Dupont has used the Waldorf’s color system. Each of the days in this system has one color. When the canvas is folded, it is the coincidences of the body’s movements during sleep that determine the final result. Dupont’s material documentation of sleep is reminiscent of Rorschach tests, in which various recognizable formations with the body are more or less visible.
In Imprint of Sleep, Dupont explores ways to transfer the states of being into art. Here, the principle of randomness as well as the perception of color and substance as well as atmosphere play an important role. At the same time, Dupont creates the works effortlessly. Dupont’s Imprint of Sleep works thus counterbalance the neocapitalist society’s continuous demands for high efficiency, including the reduction of sleep. Thus, Dupont’s practice extends to sustainability thinking, where own existence and coexistence constitute the conditions for life.
Imprint of Sleep. Rome 6-12 May 2024
Imprint of Sleep LA
What does it mean to be productive? In my work I aim to connect into the earth and into being. Realising that being alive, life does all by keeping us alive. When we fall asleep – life does this – we don’t know what is happening. We have to let sleep take us as well as breathing- it happens without our doing. Being connected inside and to the living world is a way to begin a sustainable life. Maybe the most important doing and the most important growth is everything happening in the invisible- in our minds and hearts. Building awareness and expanding our capacity for love compassion and care.
We are all earth angels
Full of desires wishes
Of past of future of hopes of traumas pain joy and sufferings
Its all life
We are all that in the form we call human beings
We sleep
Wake up
Live our lifes
To discover again and again
Ourselves explaining the forces Bringing space time and matter into being
Being life
Breathing into matter
Breathing into being
Being earth angels
Imprint of Sleep. LA ( Santa Monica). Friday 14 – Friday 21 April 2023
The following paintings from Mexico City (Tlalpan)
Monday-Friday as solo Saturday and Sunday together as participatory works. Pigments + soil on linen. 200 x 150 cm.
The following paintings from Paris:
One week 8-15 November 2021. Pigment on linen. 200 x 150 cm
The following paintings from Copenhagen:
One week 18 to 25 October 2021. Oil on linen. Ca 200 x 150 cm
Imprint of Sleep 2019-2021