The project is part of the auspices of the project organization KULT. KULT is a network consisting of four high schools that have a strong profile in the artistic and cultural field: Nørre Gymnasium, Ingrid Jespersens Gymnasieskole and Sankt Annæ Gymnasium.
The performance connects to all levels of being a human being. According to science, the body releases oxytocin when we are together and enter into trusting relationships with other people. This hormone causes people to relax and reduce anxiety, which lowers blood pressure and increases heart health.
I think of my practice as activist; to breathe, to stop, to allow oneself a break, to be present with fellow human beings and to practice care. It is scientifically proven that when people embrace each other they secrete hormones that make humans feel better and live longer. My contribution to the project will be that I am concerned with critical thinking, with life and development. What do we create and why do we create? I want to make works that aim to rethink the quality of life. I am concerned with what makes us want to live. I mean its love, it’s the spirit, it’s the mystery that we’re constantly a part of but don’t understand. When we look into each other’s eyes, listen to the sound of each other’s breath, we look into other planets – life that has arisen. Life is a miracle.